Shamanic Drumming as an Effective Manifestation Tool: How to Stay Heart-Aligned

Learn why shamanic drumming can be a great manifestation tool.

shamanic drumming

Have you ever wished there was a tool that helps you feel aligned super fast so you can manifest your desires easily?

As you're into manifestation, maybe you've tried various techniques. You made a vision board or practiced positive affirmations from time to time. Perhaps you did the inner work and meditation once in a while. Now, you're ready to learn how to get yourself inspired to practice these techniques often.

If you’re starting to build a healthy mental habit, you're stepping up in the manifestation game. There are shamanic journey ways to enhance this power through shamanism.

Particularly, meditation enables you to clear your mind and gain clarity.

The only problem is the mind is hard to train at first. You may be wondering, "how can I even sit still? And how can I stop thinking?"

Andy Puddicombe said, “Your mind is like this wild horse when you sit to meditate."

If you’re not sure where to start, this article is here to suggest you an easy way to meditate. Stick around to learn:

I. What is Shamanic Drumming?

II. Benefits of Regular Shamanic Drumming Practice

III. Add Shamanic Drumming to Your Meditation Routine

IV. 7 Healing Rhythms of Percussion

I’m passionate about sharing my manifestation tips because it truly helps you feel good about going about your day. Your emotional fulfillment becomes even more valuable to your loved ones because you multiply positive vibes. And this pleases my inner child.

So now, let's dive into my favorite meditation -- shamanic drumming.



What is Shamanic Drumming?

First, let me share my personal story of encountering a shamanic drum. Back in 2013, I was living in Berkeley, California. When I got off from a Bart station in Ashby, I saw a whimsical stone cottage right across the street.

There was a signpost saying it was a shamanic healing center.

At that time, I was going through a spiritual awakening. I was into Reiki, chakra alignment, crystal healing, and the like. Shamanic healing was something completely new to me, and it was a great opportunity to satisfy my curiosity.

There I found Preston, a shamanic healing practitioner. He played his drum to put me in trance states, and I found the sounds profoundly deep and hypnotic. Since I had no prior knowledge about shamanism, I didn’t know how he channeled messages from animal spirits using the shamanic drum. But it felt safe, relaxed, and grounded to me.

He called it a shamanic drumming journey. The rhythmic beats seemed to transport him to another realm, where he could access deeper parts of his consciousness.

After a while, I explored shamanic drumming further and have come to appreciate its power as a tool for healing and spiritual growth.

History of Shamanic Drumming

Did you know that the use of drums in shamanic practices dates back to prehistoric times?

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that has been around for thousands of years. It involves connecting with the spirit world to gain insight, healing, and guidance. One of the core elements of shamanism is drumming.

The oldest known depiction of a drum was found in a cave in France and is estimated to be over 20,000 years old. Drums were used by ancient cultures all over the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

In shamanic cultures, drums were traditionally made from natural materials such as animal skins and wood. They were often decorated with symbols and images that had spiritual significance.

In this day and age, drumming has gained popularity among holistic healing practitioners such as reiki healers and sound healers. It is also used by those who are interested in exploring their own spirituality or connecting with their ancestral roots.

Sound healers use shamanic drums as part of their therapy sessions to help clients relax and release emotional blockages. Reiki healers may incorporate shamanic drumming into their sessions as a way to enhance energy flow and promote balance within the body.

Now you may be wondering what drumming really has to do with your state of mind.


Benefits of Regular Shamanic Drumming Practice

Scientific Evidence

Recent scientific studies have shown that regular shamanic drumming practice can have significant physical and emotional benefits.

One study conducted by California State University found that listening to a steady drumbeat could reduce psychological stress and anxiety. Another research showed that repetitive drumming with shamanic instructions induced specific subjective experiences and cortisol decrease.

Here is a list of the health benefits of having drumming journeys:

Physical health benefits

  • Reduces stress levels. The repetitive beats of the drum can help induce a state of deep relaxation, which in turn reduces stress levels.

  • Lowers blood pressure. Studies have shown that regular shamanic drumming practice can help lower blood pressure.

  • Boosts immune function. Research has shown that shamanic drumming can increase natural killer cell activity, which helps boost immune function.

  • Improves sleep quality. Regular shamanic drumming practice has been linked to improved sleep quality.

Emotional health benefits

  • Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. As mentioned above in the studies, regular shamanic drumming practice can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Increases feelings of well-being. The rhythmic beats of the drum can induce trance states of deep relaxation, which can help increase feelings of well-being.

  • Promotes relaxation. It can help you release pent-up emotions and promote emotional healing. It has a calming effect on the mind and body, helping you relax and de-stress.

Mental & Spiritual Benefits

  • Improves focus and concentration. By entering into a meditative state, you can clear your mind and improve concentration.

  • Enhances creativity. Accessing deeper levels of consciousness can help stimulate your imagination and inspire new ideas.

  • Connects with spiritual energy. Many people who follow shamanism believe that drumming can help connect with spiritual energies and higher consciousness.

You might not be interested in shamanism or ritualistic ceremony, but rest assured that only what you need is a regular beat to enjoy the above benefits. Plus, just a low tone that makes you feel relaxed is enough.


Add Shamanic Drumming to Your Meditation Routine

You understand it’s essential to feel good even to want to manifest your desires. Shamanic drumming is one way to boost your manifestation.

Now let’s find out 9 steps on how you can incorporate shamanic drumming into your meditation routine:

  1. Set up your space. Choose a quiet space where you won't be disturbed during your meditation session. Make sure there are no distractions or interruptions so you can fully immerse yourself in the experience.
    As an option, you may want to light candles or incense to create a relaxing atmosphere.

  2. Set aside 10-15 minutes a day for your practice. I personally like to make it a morning ritual.

  3. Set an intention. Before beginning your meditation session, set an intention for what you hope to achieve from the experience. This could be anything from finding inner peace to connecting with spiritual energies.

  4. Choose a drumming journey method. Get your own traditional frame drum or play a shamanic drumming track. When choosing a drum, it’s important to pick one that has the right tone for your ears.

  5. Find your Rhythm. If you decide to play your own drum, start by playing slow, steady beats and gradually increase the tempo until you find a rhythm that resonates with you.

  6. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes to minimize distraction and focus on the rhythms and tone of the drum.

  7. Stay relaxed. Allow yourself to relax and let go of any tension or stress.

  8. Focus on your breath. Take deep, slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, allowing yourself to relax fully.

  9. Visualize. Allow yourself to enter trance states by visualizing a peaceful scene or image. This can help stimulate your imagination and creativity.


7 Healing Rhythms of Percussion

Did you know that there are healing rhythms that induce specific emotional states? Let me introduce seven rhythms that hold their unique essence and guide you through a gateway of self-discovery, restoration, and spiritual alignment.

1. Theta Wave

The theta wave rhythm is a slow, steady beat that ranges from 4 to 7 beats per second. This rhythm is associated with deep relaxation and meditation. It can help you enter into a trance state where you can access your subconscious mind and connect with your inner wisdom. It can also promote healing by reducing stress and anxiety.

2. Alpha Wave

The alpha wave rhythm is a slightly faster beat that ranges from 8 to 12 beats per second. It’s associated with relaxation, creativity, and visualization. The alpha wave can help you access your imagination and intuition, making it an excellent choice for creative visualization exercises or exploring past lives.

3. Beta Wave

The beta wave is a fast-paced beat that ranges from 13 to 30 beats per second. It’s associated with increased focus, alertness, and concentration. It can help you stay focused during tasks that require mental clarity or when studying for exams.

4. Delta Wave

The delta wave is the slowest beat ranging from 1 to 4 beats per second. It promotes deep sleep and relaxation; it's often used in sound baths or meditations designed to induce sleep.

5. Shamanic Journey

Shamanic journeying involves using rhythmic drumming as a means of entering into an altered state of consciousness where one can communicate with spirits or ancestors, seeking guidance or answers on important life issues such as health, relationships, or career. A shamanic journeying rhythm typically ranges from 4 to 7 beats per second.

6. Heartbeat

The heartbeat rhythm is a steady beat that mimics the sound of a human heart. This rhythm is believed to promote feelings of safety and security as it's reminiscent of being in the womb or held by a parent. It can be used for grounding exercises or to help overcome feelings of fear or anxiety.

7. Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing rhythms are designed to align and balance the body's energy centers (chakras). Each chakra corresponds to a different frequency, so drumming at specific beats per minute can activate and balance each chakra. For example, the root chakra is associated with the color red and vibrates at 396 Hz; drumming at 4 beats per second can help balance this chakra.

Remember, there are countless ways to add variations and improvisations in terms of tempo. What’s most important is to immerse yourself in the rhythmic journey and feel good and relaxed.

Listen to Shamanic Drumming Tracks 

Want to try the drumming meditation without having to carry or buy your own drum? 

Subscribe to my Shamanic drumming YouTube channel – Magical Drum

And if you want to stay informed about my other manifestation techniques and self-empowering messages, here are a couple of ways to stay connected to me:

  1. Sign up for my newsletter. 

  • Yes! Shamanic drumming is accessible to anyone regardless of their age or background. All it takes is an open mind and willingness to learn.

  • While traditional shamans often use drums made from animal hides, there are many modern alternatives available made from synthetic materials. What matters is finding a high-quality instrument that resonates with you personally.

  • It's recommended that beginners start with short sessions of around 10-15 minutes per day before gradually increasing their practice time as they become more comfortable. Ultimately, the frequency and duration of your sessions will depend on your personal goals and needs.

  • Yes, many people find that regular practice of shamanic drumming can help them to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. The rhythmic sound of the drum can induce a state of deep relaxation, which in turn promotes physical and emotional healing.

  • No, you don't need any prior experiences or knowledge to begin practicing shamanic drumming. All you need is an open mind and willingness to learn. With dedication and practice, anyone can benefit from this powerful manifestation tool.


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